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National consultation hotline


Intelligent Facilities Design & Construction

Intelligent Facilities Design & Construction

AI Based Digital Ag. Solutions

AI Based Digital Ag. Solutions

Greenhouse Operations Management Training

Greenhouse Operations Management Training

Value-added Services

Value-added Services


AI based crop model

UniGro: an AI-based crop model developed by Harvest-Code Technology.
Versatile and Rapid Deployment: It is built on a generalized AI-framework, allowing deployment for a new greenhouse environment or crop variety after a single season of training.
Self-Learn and Cost-Effective: No need to collect a large amount of data in advance. The model self-adapts daily based on environmental and crop growth data collected in real time.


Greenhouse Controller

AI Embedding: The UniPilot controller system is equipped with the proprietary UniGro AI based crop model, which acts as a “planting brain” that dynamically adjusts decisions according to real-time needs of crops.
Unified Central Control: The proprietary greenhouse controller enables coordinated control of multiple devices, which acts as “hands” for the “planting brain”, providing users with peace of mind and ease of use.


Greenhouse Controller

The UniPilot is the ultimate manager of the entire greenhouse, capable of automatically controlling various environmental controlling hardware such as vents, quilts, and fertigation machines. It leverages the scientific predictions from the Harvest-code’s proprietary crop model UniGro and a wide array of sensing and imaging devices to develop scientifically sound environmental control strategies. This provides a solid scientific foundation for intelligent cultivation. The UniPilot is an all-in-one smart greenhouse solution that saves you money, effort, and time.
By imbedding the UniGro AI crop model, the UniPilot conducts intelligent assessment and recommendations. The UniGro model absorbs a wide array of data such as plant images from surveillance cameras, sensor data, and weather forecast data. Through the power of machine learning, the model estimates the developmental time points of various organs throughout the crop's lifecycle. This enables effective monitoring and prediction of the crops. Consequently, it provides robust decision-making support for environmental control in the greenhouse.

About Harvest-Code Technology

Company Profile

Harvest-Code Technology, a pioneering digital agricultural firm based in China, is at the forefront of sustainable and economical farming solutions. Our proprietary AI based crop growth model, UniGro, forms the backbone of our cutting-edge decision-support platform for indoor cultivation. Our products and technologies strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, offering scalable solutions that cater to the needs of growers. These innovative solutions not only enhance yield, quality, and profitability, but also minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides, optimizing resource utilization. In essence, Harvest-Code Technology is making significant strides towards sustainable agricultural development.

Our team members are elites in the industry. We have renowned scientists who have been deeply immersed in this field for many years; we have former leaders from multination agricultural companies, we also have agricultural staff of the new generation who have been working on the frontline of countryside to drive rural development; our diligent serial entrepreneurs who joined us and shared same vision. We have come together and united at Harvest-Code based on our respect for the colleagues, our belief in science, our reverence of the nature, and our desire for food safety. Agriculture has ushered in the spring of development, and we hope to work with our employees and partners to welcome great success in the field of modern agriculture!


Sincere Cooperation

The agricultural system is very complex. We must promote interdisciplinary cooperation to make a breakthrough. Since its establishment, the company has been supported by Turing Institute of artificial intelligence, a world-class artificial intelligence team. The era of intelligent agriculture has come. We hope to work together with people of insight from all disciplines to empower traditional agriculture.

Development of new crop varieties
The development of new varieties suitable for cultivation in controlled environment, artificial intelligence assisted automatic typing technology, etc.
Facilities construction and transformation
Construction of planting facilities, integrated irrigation and fertilization solutions and Agricultural Internet of things solutions.
Sustainable agricultural solutions
Rapid detection technology of diseases and insect pests, high-efficiency water-soluble fertilizer, high-efficiency and low toxicity plant protection solution, and new biophysical pest control solution.


Cooperative Partner

Harvest-Code Technology


Harvest-Code Technology


Harvest-Code Technology


Harvest-Code Technology


Harvest-Code Technology


Company milestones


Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology
Harvest-Code Technology

News Information


06 /17
Harvest Voice | Harvest-Code Technology's First Overseas Exhibition at GreenTech 2024 Achieved Great Success

On June 13, 2024, with the conclusion of GreenTech at the Amsterdam RAI in the Netherlands, Harvest-Code Technology completed its first overseas journey. During the brief three-day exhibition, Harvest-Code's technology and products attracted attention from industry peers, numerous potential customers, supply chain partners, and top universities, all expressing their willingness to cooperate.

04 /30
Harvest-Code Technology has once again received the Certified Chinese Green Food Product

Recently, after a review by the China Green Food Development Center, Chifeng Harvest-Code Technology Co., Ltd.'s tomatoes have been certified as Grade A green food products, and permitted to use the green food label.

04 /23
Harvest Voice | Welcome the Inner Mongolia On-site Observation Team of High-Quality Development Training Class for Greenhouse

On April 22, 2024,Guo Zhanjiang, Director of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, along with leaders and experts from 13 leagues and cities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, visited the front line of production in Ningcheng County with a delegation.Harvest-Code Technology's innovative product, “UniPilot” , made its debut.

01 /26
Harvest Voice | Harvest-Code Technology's smart greenhouse programme of tomatoes was selected as a national outstanding case

The Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently released the "Notice on the Outstanding Cases of Digital Agriculture Construction and the Collection Work of the Excellent Organization Units of the year 2023." We are honored to announce that Harvest-Code Technology's "Digital Agriculture Drives Industry Upgrade of Greenhouse Tomato" has been successfully selected as one of the 76 outstanding cases nationwide.